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Atomic Film Company

ECN-2 Developing Kit

ECN-2 Developing Kit

Regular price $17.50 USD
Regular price Sale price $17.50 USD
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Atomic Film Company is proud to give our customers the ability to now buy ECN-2 Developing kits along with our cinema film!

What you get are the powdered chemicals to make the developer and bleach.

Powdered Kits have no shipping restrictions.  As a result, our kit can be shipped worldwide.

You'll have to provide your own fixer. Ilford RapidFix works very well, but whatever you use for B&W film will work just fine.

Each kit makes 1 liter of developer and 1 liter of bleach.  The recommended number of rolls per kit is 15 to 20 35mm rolls.  This accounts for a two to three month mixed use time - unmixed chemistry can keep in a cool, dry place for 1 - 5 years. If you are photographing something important, do consider these guidelines.  After each use, squeeze out all of the extra air.  This will greatly prolong your kit.

It contains: Developer and Bleach

Sodium Sulfite
Potassium Bromide
Sodium Carbonate
Sodium Bicarbonate
CD3 Color Developer

Potassium Ferricyanide
Potassium Bromide

Each chemical is in its own plastic bag and is well-marked.

Follow below Instructions as you read them,

Mixing Instructions:
It's best to mix the chemicals in the order in which they are numbered.

A Note on Mixing:

After mixing the DEVELOPER, you will notice floating particles in the developer which is normal.  Some customers will strain their developer into a new container using a coffee filter.

For Dev:
-Heat around 800ml of distilled water to around 110F.
-Add Developer chemicals one by one (#1 to #5) while stirring. Dissolve each before moving onto the next.
-Stir until fully dissolved.
-Add water until you get a full liter.
-Pour developer into 1 liter bottle.

For Bleach:
-Do the same as above.

Again, you provide your own Fixer. We have used Ilford RapidFix with no issues.

Remjet Removal (if necessary - for motion picture film only):
[Temps for Remjet Removal aren't incredibly important. The water should be hot, but not hotter than 106ish. Kodak recommends 80F to 100F]

-There's no need to PRESOAK unless you're using motion picture film with Remjet.
--In these cases, heat 1 liter of water to 80-100F and add 3T of baking soda (NOT INCLUDED IN KIT
--Pour solution into developing tank and agitate the heck out of it for a minute or so.
--Pour out and do a couple of washes to return the pH level of the water and film to where it should be.

Developing Sequences:
[Temps are much more important. Kodak gives a ±2F for everything]
-Bring Developer, Bleach and Fixer (and whatever stop bath you're using) to 106F (±2).

1. Developer - 3:00mins @ 106F ±2
2. Water Stop bath - 60secs @ 80 to 100F [Get closer 100F]
3. Wash (Ilford Method) @ 80 to 100F [Get closer to 100F]
4. Bleach - 3:00mins @ 100F ±2
5. Wash (Ilford Method) @ 80 to 100F
5. Fixer - 5:00mins @ 100F ±2 (Use any fixer, but I like Ilford RapidFix)
6. Wash (Ilford Method) @ 80 to 100F
7. Hang till dry!

Like C-41, you can reuse this developer. When finished developing your rolls, just pour it back into the container.


IMPORTANT: Atomic Film Company does not replace kits if not mixed properly or if accidentally discarded. Do not get your bleach or fixer (not even a drop) into your developer! Atomic Film Company only sells full kits. No returns or replacements on photo chemistry.

IMPORTANT: The user assumes all risk upon associated with using this photo chemistry kit. Avoid respiratory and eye contact. Atomic Film Company is not responsible for any injuries or chemical damage caused by any of the contents of this package. 



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